Lending Pools

Evolve's architecture is based on isolated Lending Pools. If a borrower is liquidated in one Lending Pool, then the other Lending Pools will not be affected. At the same time if a Lending Pool with a weak or malicious collateral is created, this won't affect the safety of the funds on all the other Lending Pools.

Certain tokens like ETH will be borrowable in multiple Lending Pools. Lenders will be free to choose in which one they lend their ETH, and we should expect the ETH interest rate to be different across them. This is a great way for both borrowers and lenders to better manage their risks. Each lending pool in Evolve is associated with a DEX and a token pair. The following high-level information is provided for each lending pool:

· Total Supply — The total amount of tokens supplied to the lending pool

· Total Borrowed — The total amount of tokens borrowed from the lending pool

· Utilization — The ratio between Total Borrowed and Total Supply

· Supply APR — The current effective APR earned by lenders for supplying tokens

· Borrow APR — The current effective APR paid by borrowers for borrowing tokens

· Farming APR — The current effective APR earned by borrowers for leveraging or borrowing tokens in a farming eligible pool

· Leveraged LP APR — The estimated APR for a leveraged yield farming position, based on trading fees and farming rewards (if applicable)

Last updated